Exclusive License Agreement

Spacedout Beats Exclusive License/rights

Before buying the Spacedout Beats exclusive license, visit this page to ensure that you are using Spacedout Beats properly.


Exclusive License 


1. Receive a download link to the mp3 instantly. Removal of tracks from all sites on the internet.


2. This license grants full ownership of the sound recording/beat to the buyer.


3. Wave Track Outs/stems used to produce the sound recording/beat sent within 48 hours.


4. Will be able to copyright the sound recording/beat as the author and also resell.


The Exclusive License Agreement

This Ownership/exclusive agreement to the Sound Recording/Beat title is effective immediately after purchase by and between the seller (hereinafter referred to as the “Owner” a.k.a “Spacedout Beats“) and the buyer.

Owner warrants that it is the Author/Songwriter and can produce the original material in which the Sound Recording/Beat was made. All purchases are non-refundable and non-transferable.

This agreement will be emailed to the buyer’s email address used to purchase the sound recording/beat detailed with the owner’s information to complete the transaction.

Buy License
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